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10 Results

  • 55+ Driver Discount Program/ Programa de descuento para conductores mayores de 55 años

    55+ Driver Discount Program Complete this course to get a 10% discount in your auto insurance premiums! Taught as a presentation from a certified instructor, you’ll discuss challenges we face as drivers, new road designs, vehicle technology, and updates on current laws. Best of all, there are no written or behind the wheel tests! Certificate will be provided at the end of class. **8-hour initial class requirement has been removed as of July 1st, 2024. Participants must take 4-hour course to initially earn the discount and then repeat the 4-hour class every three years to maintain the discount. Cost is $24 per participant. Pre-registration is required. Call 320-308-1400 or 1-888-234-1294 to register. You can also register at This page is for information purposes only, do not register through this site. **Please register with the Precision Driving Center by calling 888-234-1294 or Class Dates in Melrose September 17, 5:00-9:00 pm October 15, 5:00-9:00 pm November 19, 5:00-9:00 pm January 21, 5:00-9:00 pm March 19, 5:00-9:00 pm April 22, 5:00-9:00 pm May 20, 5:00-9:00 pm Melrose High School Media Center, enter door 7 This class is co-sponsored by Magnifi Financial.
  • Dèsirèe Tonus (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    AM Swim/Lap Swim/Natación por la mañana, Natación de vuelta por la mañana

    Morning Lap swim is a great way to start your day. Please enter through door 7, it will be open from 5:45-6:10 am. Nadar en el regazo de la mañana es una excelente manera de comenzar el día. Ingrese por la puerta 7, estará abierta de 5:55 a 6:10 am.
  • Card Making with Amanda / Hacer tarjetas con Amanda

    Presented by Amanda Vanhavermaet, Independent Demonstrator with Stampin’ Up! Come for a relaxing evening of card making. Amanda will have all the supplies you need and everything prepped for you to make 10 cards. The best part is when the class is complete, you get to keep the stamp set to create lots more cards at home. This class is good for beginners as well as seasoned stampers. Please register one week before class begins. Ven a una noche relajante de fabricación de tarjetas. Amanda tendrá todos los suministros que necesita y todo preparado para que haga 10 tarjetas. La mejor parte es que cuando la clase está completa, puede mantener el sellado para crear muchas más tarjetas en casa. Esta clase es buena para principiantes y estampadores experimentados. Regístrese una semana antes de que comience la clase. Frames and Flowers Card Class Monday Sept 30 6pm – 8pm $30 Join us for a fun evening of creativity using the beautiful Frames & Flowers Specialty Paper. We will be creating at least 10 cards that evening and you will leave with the remainder of your paper pack and lots of inspiration to create even more with your leftovers. This is a terrific class for everyone even if you have never made cards before. Space is limited to 10. Register by Sept 21. Masculine Themed Card Class Monday November 4, 6pm-8pm $30 Join us for an evening of creativity and conversation while creating masculine themed cards. We will be creating at least 10 cards designed to share with the men in your life. Everybody will also leave with a swag bag full of goodies and ideas to create even more projects at home. If you’ve never tried stamping or card making, this is the perfect class to dip your toe into the water and see what you’ve been missing! Space is limited to 10. Register by October 26.
  • Cell Phones & Parenting - Oh My! / Teléfonos móviles y crianza de los hijos - ¡Dios mío!

    When your child has a Smartphone, there are key things you should know to keep them safe and secure. In this class, you will understand recommended safety settings on popular social media apps, parental apps for your child's Smartphone, and more! You will leave this class with a confident plan to simplify the technology so that you and your child can use the phone safely without worry. Cuando su hijo tiene un teléfono inteligente, hay cosas clave que debe saber para mantenerlo seguro y protegido. En esta clase, comprenderá las configuraciones de seguridad recomendadas en aplicaciones populares de redes sociales, aplicaciones parentales para el teléfono inteligente de su hijo y más. Saldrá de esta clase con un plan seguro para simplificar la tecnología para que usted y su hijo puedan usar el teléfono de forma segura y sin preocupaciones.
  • Cookie Decorating

    Want to learn how to decorate sugar cookies using royal icing? Clarissa is excited to help you hone this craft (and have a little fun in the process). Class includes hands-on instruction, and a beautiful and tasty product to take home and share!
  • Fall Musical Senior Matinee / Matiné musical de otoño para personas mayores

    Come enjoy "Elf" the musical starring the Melrose Area Schools students. Please join us after the show for some sweet treats with the cast members. Please enter door 13 at least 10 minutes prior to the show. Elf the Musical is the hilarious tale of Buddy, a young orphan child who mistakenly crawls into Santa's bag of gifts and is transported back to the North Pole. Unaware that he is actually human, Buddy's enormous size and poor toy-making abilities cause him to face the truth. Venga a disfrutar de la producción protagonizada por los estudiantes de las escuelas del área de Melrose. Únase a nosotros después del espectáculo para disfrutar de algunos dulces con los miembros del elenco. Ingrese por la puerta 13 al menos 10 minutos antes del espectáculo.
  • Google Sheets for Awesome Beginners / Hojas de cálculo de Google para principiantes increíbles

    Expand your skills with Google Sheets and use this training for a lifetime! Whether it's for work or for play, this class will teach you comprehensive skills which will turn you from a Sheets novice into a Sheets expert. You will learn to enter, organize, refine, analyze and visualize your data using Google Sheets! ¡Amplíe sus habilidades con Google Sheets y utilice esta capacitación toda su vida! Ya sea para trabajar o jugar, esta clase le enseñará habilidades integrales que lo convertirán de un novato en Sheets a un experto en Sheets. ¡Aprenderá a ingresar, organizar, refinar, analizar y visualizar sus datos usando Google Sheets!
  • Hall Walking

    Come on in! Keep active in the winter with Hall Walking at Melrose Area Schools. Hall walking is available on school days 6:00-7:15am & 5:30-9pm. Please avoid walking in busy areas of the Elementary school when athletic events are happening in the gymnasium. Please remember: No school = no hall walking. ¡Entra! Manténgase activo en el invierno con Hall Walking en las escuelas del área de Melrose. Caminar por los pasillos está disponible los días escolares de 6:00 a 7:15 a. m. y de 5:30 a 9 p. m. Evite caminar en áreas concurridas de la escuela primaria cuando se realicen eventos deportivos en el gimnasio. Por favor recuerde: No hay escuela = no se puede caminar por los pasillos.
  • Water Aerobics/ Aeróbic acuático

    This fun water workout burns mega calories and tones your trouble spots, but feels like play! This workout will build muscle tone and strength, improve balance and coordination and relieve tension. Enter door 7. *Please bring two empty plastic milk jugs to class. Este divertido ejercicio acuático quema mega calorías y tonifica los puntos problemáticos, ¡pero se siente como un juego! Este entrenamiento desarrollará el tono muscular y la fuerza, mejorará el equilibrio y la coordinación y aliviará la tensión. Entre por la puerta 7. *Por favor traiga dos jarras plásticas de leche vacías a la clase.
  • Zoom Community Ed. Classes / Educación de la comunidad Zoom Clases

    Zoom Community Ed. Classes will run from 6:30 to 7:30 pm with time after for questions. Participants can request an informational folder and native plant book from the class instructor. Composting 101 – September 10 Composts and mulches are nature’s way of recycling. It keeps waste out of landfills and fertilizes without chemicals. Learn all about the benefits of composting and how to do it yourself! You will also learn how to use a variety of composts and mulches out there for all your planting and landscaping needs, whether you make them yourself or buy them off the shelf. The pros, the cons, and everything in between . . . especially how to use mulches to tuck your plants in for the long winter ahead. Participants will receive informational resources to use for their reference after the class. Fall Garden Care – September 12 You might not be thinking a whole lot about gardening in the fall, but maybe you should! Fall is a great time to prep future garden beds for the spring and ensure your garden is protected for the cold winter months ahead. We will discuss how to make your garden pollinator-friendly and keep it that way until they start emerging in the spring. We’ll also get more familiar with who the pollinators are in our gardens and why they’re so important! Participants will receive informational resources to use for their reference after the class. Managing Buckthorn – September 16 A beast of a pest, buckthorn is an invasive tree/shrub that is a nightmare to get rid of. It is an aggressive invasive that outcompetes native vegetation and degrades habitat. Learn about the basics of buckthorn biology and strategies for managing it. Techniques ranging from spraying to goat grazing have been tried, and there have been successes! Participants will receive informational resources to use for their reference after the class. Integrated Pest Management – September 24 Continuing with the theme of managing pests, learn in this class how to win the battle without using harmful chemicals or breaking the bank. Integrated pest management (IPM) is a strategy of controlling insects without relying solely on pesticides. It focuses on long-term prevention through combining techniques such as biological controls, habitat manipulation, selecting the right plants for the right site, and using resistant varieties. IPM can be used to manage all kinds of pests in urban, agricultural, and natural areas. Participants will receive informational resources to use for their reference after the class. Stormwater Stewardship – October 1 What happens to rainwater after it runs off my driveway or lawn onto the road? How do storm drains work anyways? In this class, learn about the importance of managing stormwater and how to prevent polluted runoff from entering our lakes and rivers. We will also talk about the Adopt-a-Drain program and how you can get involved. Anybody can sign up, and it’s easy to do so! Participants will receive informational resources to use for their reference after the class. Importance of Wetlands – October 8 Our mission at the Sauk River Watershed District is to protect and enhance our water resources for today and tomorrow. One of our strategies for accomplishing that is restoring and preserving our watershed’s wetlands. Learn about what a wetland is, how they improve water quality, and how they prevent flooding. We will also feature some of the wetland restoration projects that we have done through our office! Participants will receive informational resources to use for their reference after the class. Water Quality Monitoring – October 14 How’s the water out there? If you’re curious to know how we go about answering that question at the Sauk River Watershed District, this class is for you! Our office has been monitoring the water quality in our watershed’s lakes, streams, and of course the Sauk River for over 20 years. Learn about why we monitor in the first place, the basics of how we do it, and what we do with the data we collect. We’ll also give an overview of how the water quality currently stacks up in the watershed. If you want to know more, learn how you can get involved as a volunteer monitor! History of Water Quality in MN – October 22 Minnesota’s lakes and rivers have been here for a long time, but how did they get here? Glaciers, that is! What have we been doing the past 100 or so years to take care of them and our other water resources? Where have we gone wrong in the past? Learn about this and more with our Environmental Monitoring Manager Allison Lightfoot as she discusses the history of how water resources have been managed and how we’ve gotten to where we are today. Participants will receive an informational folder full of great publications, and several door prizes will be given away from local plant suppliers. Dormant Seeding – October 29 Spring is often viewed as the traditional time to plant seeds, but fall has its advantages. When you seed in the fall, the seeding is dormant, and the seed will remain in the soil all winter long to germinate in spring. In many cases, dormant seeding can be more effective than spring and summer seeding. Join us to learn about this method, along with tips and tricks to increase your spring germination and seed success. Participants will receive an informational folder full of great publications, and several door prizes will be given away from local plant suppliers. Smart Salting – November 5 As winter approaches, it’s time to start thinking about ice removal. The most common technique is using road salt, but the overapplication of salt is causing pollution problems in our waterbodies. Chloride is a pollutant that’s almost impossible to remove once it’s in a lake or stream. Road and sidewalk safety is a must, but it doesn’t have to come at the price of good water quality. Join us to learn about the chloride problem and how you can make a difference. There are several alternatives to choose from, so we can all reduce our impact! Participants will receive informational resources to use for their reference after the class. Educación de la comunidad Zoom. Las clases se desarrollarán de 6:30 a 7:30 pm con tiempo posterior para preguntas. Los participantes pueden solicitar una carpeta informativa y un libro de plantas nativas al instructor de la clase.